Thursday, February 10, 2005


How do you find the happy place in your marriage when you are a parent with 2 hours of sleep? Try as I might, I cannot seem to get over this lack of sleep thing. I do realize that Mike has a very hard time with working and going to school. I just wish someone, namely him, would recognize that being home with 2 babies and no sleep is just as hard. He wakes up this morning saying "I'm tired". I know I am wrong, but I feel this is totally unjustified. I feel this way because it was I, who stayed up till after 5 this morning with Ansley. Joey wakes up at 7 and he wants to complain? I got his coffee ready and clothes ready last night to make things easier on him this morning and yet he still bitches. Wants to know where his notes are, how the hell would I know, I did not work on them last night. Ansley apparently got to them, but like I pointed out to him, I cannot watch her every second, especially while I am doing dishes and laundry. He probably should have put them in a place higher than Ansley can reach, but I guess that is just the common sense talking. I want so badly to be a good mother and wife yet it gets harder by the day to do both. I know there are people out there that will probably read this and comment that I am taking my situation for granted and I should feel lucky and appreciative that I get to stay home. To this I will go ahead and reply to save myself some time. I do appreciate that I get to stay home with my kids. I do appreciate that I have a home to call my own. I am lucky enough to have things that some people do not. I also have a child with a sleep disorder, and an early riser baby. Imagine your life as up all night, busy now, not just piddling around watching TV or playing on the net, then you get 2 hours of sleep, not even a good 2 hours because your kid puked on you right before you fell asleep, waking up to a bitching husband and a hungry child. The hungry child is easy to deal with, the husband on the other hand... Someone please tell me this is normal and that I am not a psychochotic hormonal wreck.


Blogger Jennifer said...

We all have those stress as a mother and a wife. Some times it's hard to find the balance. What you need is a few hours of unitteruped sleep. I am off all day tomorrow (Friday, Feb 11). You should let me take the kids for a while and get you a few hours of rest, take a nice long bath and relax without anyone tugging on your apron strings. I would be happy to do it and think that you should take me up on it. If it makes you feel better I can ask Traci or Regina to joing me and that way we have a "tag team"...adults vs. the kids!!! All you need is a few hours of Lori time.

Thursday, February 10, 2005 6:26:00 AM  

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