The Dentist- continued
YAY! We made it. What I thought was going to be a traumatic event (for both of us), turned out to be quite nice. I cannot say enough good things about this dentist and his staff and office. Ansley truly amazed me. I have a good child, yes, I am going to brag. Did the dental x-rays perfectly, got her sticker. Made me proud. The office was really something, I was expecting your typical cheesy kid deco but was pleasantly surprised. It was a cool Alaskan theme. For the locals, the website is I highly recommend him. As for the rest of my day. I really don't know if I can get into the details without wanting to burn my house down. Now that I have typed that, you know something bad is gonna happen. My refrigerator is broken. I am telling you, you don't realize how much you need that thing till its gone. What really pisses me off though is that I lost all my food. Things could be a lot worse but that was a couple hundred down the drain or I guess I should say in the trash. Now, the test, I have to see if the damn thing is going to decide to work again. I have it totally defrosted and emptied, lets hope it works when I plug it back in. If not, I have no idea how or where I am going to get a new one. My spending has really bitten me on the ass this time. The sears card is maxed. I really do not have anything to show for it either. Oh well.
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