Friday, February 18, 2005

Horrible Housewife of the year....

And the award goes to..... ME!

Let me just say I suck at being a housewife. I was cleaning out my refrigerator tonight, yes the one that is half working, and I am totally amazed we are all still alive and not suffering from some new unidentifiable strand of bacteria or virus. HA HA, I know you are all thinking, wasn't she just bitching about a virus? I think Eric said it best when he said my bedroom was like a toxic waste dump, this was back when I was 16, but my attitude towards cleaning has not changed much. My kids and I are totally clean, as far as our bodies and clothes we wear. My house, put it this way, I don't like surprise company. My goal is to learn to keep my house clean. Mike knew when he met me how messy I was, still he wanted us to move in together, cleaning habits did not change. We decide to get married and buy our first house, still no changes. We now have 3 dogs, 2 kids and one hell of a mess. I really do not enjoy the mess. My thoughts now are that my 2 year old is learning bad bad habits from me. When I was little, most girls dreamed of houses and babies, my dream as far as I can remember was to one day pay someone to do my cleaning. Imagine something you hate, I am talking really really despise, multiply that by 10 and you may have an inkling as to how much I dislike cleaning. I love having a clean house and clean towels and even clean dishes, I just have the hardest time getting them clean. I have taken advice from everyone, even attempted the flylady's routine, which I think is bullshit, no normal person cleans that much. I talked myself into writing down my goals for the day, I had 3 things today and managed to cross off 2 1/2. Not a bad start. Should you feel inclined to give advice, I will listen. I need all the encouragement I can get.


Blogger Lori said...

No eric, that would be one of the many other erics I hung out with on a daily basis :)

Friday, February 18, 2005 8:59:00 AM  

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