Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Mission Impossible

Does anyone besides me ever fight with their spouse? I realize people do not usually air their dirty laundry, but I know we are not the only couple out there with problems. I am so angry right now! I am a high maintenance wife. I know this, he knows this, where's the problem right? I have to have attention. A lot of it. Affection? Yes, lots. Problem is, I am not getting these things. I turn into a mean, hateful person when this happens. It is like the domino effect. I get ignored, I get mean, he gets pissed off, we fight. It is a vicious cycle.

To be fair, mike has a lot on him right now. Work and school are driving him nuts. To be fair to myself, I stay home, with both kids and do not get a lot of socialization. He says he needs a break, he is constantly working. What am I doing? I NEVER and I mean never get to leave my job. He may come home and help, but I am still here and still doing "my job". There will never be a happy medium or compromise because we cannot understand how each other feels.

I called him at work this afternoon, just to chat for a minute, I was in a good mood, and he tells me he has to leave for school in a few minutes and does not have time to talk, he has to finish something. Okay. Am I allowed to be upset about this or am I being petty? This comes after a weekend of him doing homework and afternoons when he gets home doing homework. I know that stuff has to be done, but I make time for him. All I really want is a few minutes of conversation and maybe a few hugs and kisses. Too much to ask? I guess right now it is.

* He just called to apologize.


Blogger Undercover Angel said...

Every couple fights. My husband has done the same thing to me on occassion. I don't think men realize how we go out of our way to be there for them.

Your guy called and apologized to you though. Kudos to him. He must really care about you and your feelings or he wouldn't have taken the time to call you and apologize.

Friday, April 21, 2006 7:18:00 AM  
Blogger Lucky Lum said...

Everyone has problems. If someone tries telling you they don't, they are lying!

Sunday, April 23, 2006 10:21:00 AM  

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