Tuesday, March 21, 2006

My little sailor

Mike took the kids to bed the other night and let me take a nice long bath and have a glass of wine, which by the way, I have hit a goldmine as far as wine is concerned, with me anyways. I will get back to that in a minute. I get to the bedroom all nice and relaxed and see my kids jumping up and down on the bed and my precious little girl singing at the top of her lungs. I tried not to laugh, but I couldn't help it. Mike apparently knocked a glass of water off of the nightstand and said "shit" rather loudly, so upon hearing this, my darling foul mouthed little girl proceeds to make up her own lyrics.

"we're gonna have a shit shit party! A shit shit party! Cockadoodledoo! A shit party!"

Creative, I know. My dearest husband makes a grab for his ipaq and records her nice little ballad. I wish I knew how to upload it, I will make him put it on his website tomorrow. Now how do you reprimand your child while laughing? I tried so hard not to laugh but I just couldn't stop.
After I calmed down I tried to explain to her that good little girls do not say that word. She did not believe me.

Now I am not a bad person, I do everything I can for people less fortunate than myself and even those better off, but is it wrong of me to let my kids say what they want? At home of course. So far we have not really had to reprimand her in public. She only says things at home. My husband grew up without too many restraints on language (Boston area), so of course you know every 3rd word out of his mouth is foul. I, however grew up in the south, where there is a Baptist church on every corner and I never said much of anything that even seemed like a curse word. At home anyway. To this day I rarely, if ever, use even mild language around my parents. Which is odd considering my dad has a sailors vocabulary. She comes by it honestly.

Now onto the wine, It is a Moscato Di'Asti by La Serra. It is like heaven. It is cheap, around 13 bucks at Sam's club. I know, I know, "she buys wine at sam's???". They actually have some good deals. I found a chardonnay by grigich hills that I paid 40 some odd dollars for at a wine shop for 20 something at sam's. I am a huge fan of sweet wines, so I normally lean toward the german or italian varieties. I am sure there are other good ones out there, I just do not have the finances to experiment too much. The Moscato Di'Asti is very smooth, no bite and just sweet enough... I will never be a wine connoisseur but I sure do enjoy the stuff. It tends to make me a much more fun mother and wife.


Blogger islandarts said...

I always tell my kid that those words are only for grown ups to say once in awhile... what a hypocrit I am!!

I'm sooo going to check out that wine, it sounds like it's right up my alley.

Friday, March 24, 2006 12:23:00 AM  

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