Thursday, March 24, 2005

Incoherent rambling...

I have been sitting here putting off cleaning again. So I went back and read a few of my blog entries. Apparently I have been a lot more sleepy than I think lately because some of those I do not even remember writing. Kinda worries me a little but that's okay. One day I will get enough sleep to function on a halfway decent level and actually remember conversations and things I have done. It was horrible tonight, I was at bruster's with Ansley getting ice cream and a lady in front of us in line asked how old Ansley was then asked her birthday and would you know I totally blanked. I could not even remember my own daughter's birthday. We totally looked like trash tonight too. I hung out at mom's all afternoon because butthead had to study and I felt no need to get dressed to go over there. Ansley was wearing a spongebob undershirt and green pants with a pink, blue and purple hoodie, and here's the kicker, no socks with the light up bedroom shoes. Oh yeah, I left out the fact that Gammy had drawn all over her in blue ink pen. Mom made spaghetti tonight and I ate myself sick. It had been over a year since I had her spaghetti, mike doesn't eat it so we obviously don't eat over there when she makes it. My parents insisted on giving my kids chocolate milk, the chocolate thing does not bother me, the fact that my kids cannot tolerate lactose, does. They keep telling me that it is all in my head that the kids just need to get used to regular milk. I would have no problems with this if they would keep them after feeding them the stuff. Then maybe they would see that I am not totally neurotic. I was thinking of possibly going to church on Easter but then I would be one of those hypocrites that only show up on Easter and Christmas so I don't think I am going to do that. I am so sleepy but there are clothes in the washer that need to go in the dryer and Mike needs clean clothes in the morning. I wish I had a laundry service. Screw that. I want a full time maid. If I had a maid I just imagine the things I could do. I could take the kids to the park everyday. We could actually do more than one art project a week. I may even be able to sew a little. I would not be living in "CHAOS". For those of you not familiar with flylady lingo, that would be "Can't have anyone over syndrome". Washer stopped. I can go to bed now. At least temporarily. :)


Blogger Jennifer said...

when picking up a prescription for Colby Grace I gave my own birtdate. When he asked if that was correct I lookd at him like he was crazy, what you don't think I know my own childs birth day? No he said..

Friday, March 25, 2005 6:25:00 AM  

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