Wednesday, March 16, 2005

My mind

Keeping this blog used to be fun for me and it really did help me with stress. Now it almost feels like one of the billion things in the back of my head that I have yet to get to. Any parent knows how busy life is, especially with 2. I am not complaining about the kids. It is just a fact that you stay busy. Here lately I have really enjoyed the kids, not that I didn't before, it is just a little different now. I have been thinking so much it is scaring me. I am questioning my faith or rather how strong it is and what my relationship is with god. Heavy stuff, I know. Life just keeps me in awe. My kids are growing and learning new things everyday and I am afraid I am going to miss something if I am not careful. Mike was asleep with Joey in his arms tonight and I just stood over them and smiled, I just wanted to squeeze them and never let go. I never really knew, even when I married Mike, just how much you can love someone. I look at my family and it amazes me that I love them all a little more everyday. Nothing has really changed in my life lately other than I have been putting the idea in my head that I will get to it when I get to it. My house is a wreck but I want it to be nice and clean so badly. It is a toss up during the day with the kids, clean or take care of and play with them. Here lately, playing has won out. I desperately need to get my house in shape though, so I can get my new floors. Hard to believe but I am actually getting floors! No more concrete! Joey is crawling now so it will be nice to have a decent floor for him to crawl on. I need to get my butt in gear and get him in his own room. That was one of the big decisions we have made. Get Ansley into her bed in her room, and get Joey into his. So, I am selling everything in our office. Computers, desks, everything. If anyone that reads this needs anything like that, let me know. I think if it is nice this weekend, I am going to have a massive yard sale. I have so much crap piled into my foyer it is almost blocking the front door. I need to get the stuff out of the attic as well. Joey has outgrown everything he owns, so I need to buy him some clothes that are not going to cut off blood circulation. Shopping for boys is actually a chore. I love clothes and shopping, but there is so little boy stuff that is decent. Not everything in his closet should have something relating to sports or some other manly theme. My little man is tossing rice krispies as I type, the dogs do not really eat rice krispies so I guess the vacuum will. We finally set up Ansley's aquarium. She has 7 fish and 4 shrimp. All of the shrimp are named Jacques. Then we have pepper, Garfield, and monster. She hasn't gotten around to naming the others yet. Had Trix and Buddy shaved so I think they feel better. Need to get Mona to the vet, she is having issues again, I hope it is just an ear infection. Anyways, I need to motivate myself into cleaning now.


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