Tuesday, February 22, 2005

My Husband

I got up this morning, both kids were still asleep. I guess going to bed at 5 in the morning will do that to them. Got on the computer, checked email, printed my eBay crap to take to the post office, and Mike comes home. I got off of the computer to talk to him and he mentions that he has actually read some of my blog and I make him seem like a piece of shit. I sent him the link when I first started writing this, he just never bothered to read it. He finally starts reading it right after I post entries of being pissed off at him. I do try to give him the credit he deserves, I guess I just do not get my point across. He is a good husband despite all my bitching. I wanted him to start reading this right after I started it because maybe then he might possibly understand me a little better. That and you can't yell at each other on the computer. I guess I could type in boldface caps but that just looks silly. I really believe I have reduced the amount I bitch at him in person and do it on here instead. I think it may be working though. We have not been arguing as much. The last 6 months have been heaven and hell all at the same time. My hormones are still out of whack, but I am getting closer to some semblance of normalcy I think. This blog is my outlet since I cannot really discuss these things with my kids and I don't want to add to Mike's already huge list of things to do. I do hope he reads this and takes some of my entries as constructive criticism (yeah right!) and he is able to actually get my point since I suck at putting my thoughts and feelings into words. What would be helpful, is if he started a blog and I could read his daily thoughts. Hint Hint. I have realized just from reading my friends blogs, that you really don't know them as well as you thought you did. I want to think that I am a good wife, but in all honesty, I know otherwise. So Mike, hunnybunny, help me out here. Start your own blog and hell, we may never fight again. I can see it now, we get pissed off at each other then you see us at our computers both typing like mad. He is such a nerd and I am such a wannabe nerd. Lets see if I get any comments...


Blogger Jennifer said...

I am slightly confused by this comment:

"I have realized just from reading my friends blogs, that you really don't know them as well as you thought you did."

I was wondering if that may have been a reference to me and my blog?

I have been reading your blog daily. I think it is a great outlet for you and have enjoyed getting a view inside your brain. Although we don't always agree on everything, I believe we have similar views about family values and motherhood, and general stresses. Lori, you are a great wife and mother. It is normal to want our husbands to understand our frustrations. My Mike doesn't have access to a computer so sometimes I print my blog and put the pages on the toilet (some #2 reading time LOL!)I know that once things settle down with sleep patterns and the baby becomes slightly able to do some things for himself you will find much more time to connect fully with Mike. For now, it's hard but you two are obviously a great couple (just with a lot of stress). Please know that I really am always here if you need to talk to someone in person, even if we don't agree on everything 100% of the time it's nice to have several outlets for your frustration. Traci, Kim and I are always here for you.

You are dear friend.


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 9:26:00 AM  
Blogger Smiles said...

I don't want to seem weird or anything, but a post you made on a friend of mines blog has been bothering me, and I've finally decided to say something.

You see, when you said you were a christian, and then gave your reasons (I think you said things like, I believe in God, I pray, I do things christians do, etc.)...umm...I'm not quite sure where to begin.

Now, I want you to know that I'm not judging you...but being a christian is something that can't just be a maybe issue. Being a christian, to me, is a passion. A passion for God and the many blessings he gives us. But I could go on and on about stuff like that...most of all being a christian is being connected to God and demonstraiting that to others. Think of the old phrase, "if being a christian was a crime would they have enough evidence to convict you?"...just something for you to chew on. Hope I didn't come off as weird, but I couldn't not say something...

I hope God blesses your life.


Tuesday, February 22, 2005 4:41:00 PM  
Blogger Lori said...

Jenny, I meant nothing negative by that statement. If it came across that way I am sorry. I was just emphasizing my point that until you read someone's private thoughts, you really don't know everything about them. Not everyone is always going to agree on everything. I do not expect anything but honesty from those I care about. If being honest hurts, that is just a part of life right? Thank you for being there for me :)
I really do appreciate all of my friends and I love you guys!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005 7:19:00 PM  
Blogger Lori said...

Okay Miles, here goes. I take no offense at your opinions. I do consider myself a christian because I do believe in god. I believe what is in your heart and what you do for others shows your love and respect for him. I do agree that being a christian is not a maybe thing, you either believe or you don't. I think that is where we may differ. My relationship with god is just that, with him. I do show my love and appreciation by trying to help others with things I am able to and by teaching my children how to love and care for others as well as themselves. Hope I did not offend you, but this is what I meant about different opinions.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005 7:27:00 PM  

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