Thursday, January 27, 2005

Everyday marital issues

I am very much in love with the man I married. He tends to bring out the worst in me sometimes, my only reasoning for that being the ones you love the most have the ability to hurt you the most. We have a schedule that would kill the most resilient person. 2 babies and I stay home and he works and goes to school. Add financial difficulties and a troublesome car, no time alone and I think its a wonder we stay married. Kids kill whatever sex life you may have had, at least that is true in our case. While we were childless we thought we had it so bad... 2 incomes, a house and 3 dogs and a lot more time. So so wrong. Time was taken for granted in the worst way. We both worked very hard to buy our house and to maintain a lifestyle we loved. I am materialistic to a point, I love to shop. Shopping was my cure all, my high if that makes any sense. I have since learned to deal with maybe a third of our previous income and I am a coupon queen. Again, my mushy brain keeps running from one topic to the other. No wonder people find me difficult to understand. That is kinda what I am getting to. I know marriage is a lifetime commitment that constantly has to be worked on to stay healthy. Maybe I am a little nutty but I feel as if no one understands me anymore, least of all, my husband. We run in circles mentally. Me never getting my point across clearly and I am sure he feels the same way. We both feel each other is blaming and that it is always about our own feelings, not the others. Our 5th anniversary is Friday. Technically 6, but I guess you don't count the time you weren't married. I think we could both handle a little more honesty, trust and understanding. Time too.
I think I just miss my husband.


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