Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Calm, or even something like it...

Apparently I have been very mean lately. It is not something I am even consciously doing. I feel like this is perpetual PMS. Definitely gotta do something about it. My mom took us out for sushi tonight and said something to me about being mean to Mike. All I said was quit banging on the table and be quiet. Guess that was mean though. Ansley is doing a lot better with her pottying. She had on big girl panties for a long time today, then when I did put a diaper on her she did not wet it, so maybe we are moving a step in the right direction. I am going to the Dr in the morning. Need more happy pills. Not that they really make me happy. I think they just keep me from bitching so much. Mike's sister so graciously agreed to keep the rugrats for me. I really need to make sure I go, I need something to make me happy. Well, we all are getting to bed late tonight so I will be back tomorrow probably. Need my beauty sleep, HA! as if I am going to get to sleep for long.


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