Sunday, June 05, 2005

blah blah blah

There is really nothing new for me to write about right now, I just felt like writing. This weekend so far has been pretty relaxing, nothing too exciting. Had a big night out Friday, haha, went to target to get the kids lunch boxes and some playclothes. Then onto O'charlies for free kids meals. Babykins has had such a good appetite lately, I think she is about to take a growing spurt. After our dinner, which everyone hated except me and the kids, we popped in on some friends. Invaded their whole night then came home to sleep. I actually got to sleep in yesterday. I slept till 11, I must have been exhausted. M is in the shower, we are getting ready to go to a friend's house for a barbecue. So far I really like the couple. They are sweet and good with the kids too. I just feel weird around new people, well, not necessarily new, but people I do not know that well. I always feel as if I have to impress them and my kids have to be spotless and well behaved then I get all mean and panicky when things are not going as planned. Especially before we get there. Last time we visited them, everything in the world went wrong before we left. Fought with M, he spilled his diet coke on my outfit and I did not have a backup, then the kids were cranky... If you can think it, it probably happened. Overall, we had a great time. I do hope this time I won't be as nervous. I think we just need to have them on home turf for me to ease up.
My mom and dad are in Louisiana this week, I hope they have a good time, they certainly need it. Although mom, being the pushover she is said no laptop, guess what they took... I was talking to her on the way to our friend's house when she told me they packed the laptop, I told her that I had bet M that she wouldn't take it, he leaned over to the phone and started chanting "I'm getting booty". My mom found this totally hilarious and I was mortified. Anyways, I need to go get clean and made up.


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