Thursday, July 07, 2005

Looking up...

My last few posts have not exactly shown me in a good mood. I am in a relatively good mood tonight. It is late, the kids are asleep, the hubby is asleep and I have peace and quiet. Well, almost. The furry babies keep kicking fleas on me but I guess that is my fault because I have not gone to buy their flea medication. Lack of money would probably have to fall in a higher category than laziness this time. Although, I am going to buy their meds tomorrow with the money I made this week selling my kids' crap on eBay. My Oh-so-underprivileged children have a few toys less this week which means I can walk in my livingroom and I have 230 bucks to buy dog medicine. I sold 6 things and made over 200.00. Amazing. I had a yardsale this past Saturday and barely made over 100.00, and that was a yard full of crap. What was I thinking?

So anyways, I know everyone wants to know what happened with the MDO. I had a horrible night thinking of what happened and what could have happened and I finally made the decision to go in and talk to them. I sat down on the floor with Joey and the other kids in his class and his teachers. I made small talk until all the parents had left, then I asked her about it. I told her that I knew Joey had been crying for more than a couple minutes by his face, a mother knows her child's cry. I told her that I know my son is a handful but by no means does that mean leaving him alone is excusable, they could have called me at any time they felt they could not handle him. She was definitely apologetic and I guess realized how upset I was because she asked me to let the kids stay and promised it would never happen again that I could even drop by her house on the days we do not have MDO so Joey will feel more comfortable with her. As a test I let the kids stay. I came in early and I found Joey sitting and playing with blocks. No tear stains or redness to his face at all. That was comforting. I did not take them back yesterday because it was my birthday and Mike took the day off to be with all of us, but I did take them today and amazingly enough, they both had a good day. I do like the women there otherwise I would have yanked my kids out and reported them so fast their heads would still be spinning. It is my intentions to not be predictable in my drop in visits and pick up times, I want to make sure they are always on their toes, not just with my kids but with everyone else's as well. We will see how it goes next week. I may be crazy but I think it is going to work. I am keeping my eyes and ears open though. Well, time to put the clothes in the dryer and go to bed.... Oh yeah, babykins now tells people that the "poweace came to our house". That will be tomorrow's post.


Blogger Kimmee & Krissteen said...

I am glad that you talked to them. But please dont just take their word for it. Make sure that you continue to "pop" in unannounced often, or at least until you are feeling 100% comfy with them. And if it does happen again, get on the phone and start making those phone calls!

btw. thanks for stopping by and commenting.

Thursday, July 07, 2005 9:40:00 AM  

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