My shadow
Okay, fuck writing about my trip. This is going to be much more colorful and entertaining. My newest dependent will not leave me the fuck alone. I am talking every waking moment of the day she is right there. I mean LIKE this in your face. Oh and even better, she has not started her period yet. She sees the Dr on Monday. What the hell do I do?How do you say "get the fuck out of my face" in a nice way? I am trying so hard not to lose my cool, it is hard for me to see this is not all her fault. I just want 5 minutes alone with my husband without someone listening outside the door. I cannot even go to the damn bathroom without her standing outside waiting on me. It is like having a shadow inside your house. She has the mental capacity to be vain and to realize that people notice how you dress, why the hell can't she realize I want her to back the hell up and get off me? Literally. Even my babies don't cling that much!
All I want is alone time by myself or with my husband. At this point anything is welcome.
All I want is alone time by myself or with my husband. At this point anything is welcome.
Apparently your houseguest is suffering from some type of separation anxiety. I would sit her down and have a nice little chitty chat with her and explain to her that you are here for her but at the same time she needs to give you your space. She has clearly been through a lot and is very dependant on you for love and attention right now. Just give her time to adapt to her new surroundings and have the chitty chat with her. It's easier to say to her something like "Sweetie, I understand that you are scared and I understand that you have been through some tough times and you are here and safe now. Please keep in your mind that I am not going to leave you and it is ok to let me out of your site, I promise I will be here for you when you put your sites back on me", or some shit close to that... I am not an expert but I think she just needs a little reassurance.
Good Luck.
Say something. Your silence is your acceptance.
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