Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Sleep deprivation... What can it do for you?

The last few nights have been miserable! We spent all Sunday night in the ER and for what? To be told to give tylenol and they cannot figure out what is wrong. Poor Babykins has ran a fever for the last 3 days. I finally have an appointment with her doctor today. Isn't it wonderful that you can take your child, who you feel is sick enough to visit a hospital, to an emergency room and get sent home knowing as much as when you stepped in the door? What the hell is wrong with these people? My daughter is not a big child, she is tall and skinny weighing in at a whopping 26 pounds. To see her all pale and lethargic makes me worry. Nearly every time I have had to take her to the ER she is admitted. This makes me feel like a bad mother, for two reasons. I feel like I wait too long to have her treated. Then, I feel like one of those mothers with munchausen by proxy syndrome. She is always at the doctors office. They know my voice on the phone. Her doctor actually takes my word over his nurse practitioner. It does make me feel good that he tells me I am one of the "better" parents at knowing my child and her symptoms. None of this makes me feel any better though. My baby is hurting and I can't fix her.


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