Saturday, October 08, 2005

Bawls, balls, they all sound the same

Went to good old wal-mart tonight. Family outing, even took tourettes boy with us. I made the mistake of letting mike go run some errands with John, aka tourettes boy, before this though. The kids and I made it in and I was browsing in the crafts section, for ribbon, and my cell phone rings, it is mike. He asks me if I want to taste his balls. I was quite taken aback by this question, he then explains to me it is an energy drink. Spelled B-A-W-L-S.
Well, Mike and John, being the adolescent minded adults that they are, thought it would be funny to keep making comments about bawls. Every 5 seconds they were cracking up over their "balls" comments. I felt like I was with beavis and butthead. "Hey Lori, does Mike's bawls taste good?" Right in front of the lady that is measuring my ribbon out for me. Imagine my discomfort when the lady looks at me and raises her eyebrows as if to say "I cannot believe you are with them". But anyways, I am so wired it is unreal. I am exhausted but can't sleep so here I am writing deliriously. Mike has been attached to his girlfriend lately.... The laptop. School has been very demanding this semester. Which in turn has been hard on me. Which is probably why I have been feeling the need to get smashed a whole lot more often than necessary. Lack of attention and stress here in the house has been making me mean. So mean that my mother felt she had to get April out in a hurry so I would not hurt her. I know that sounds cruel but all I can say is live with her for a while and I promise you that you will want to kill her. The freedom has been nice, I have been walking around in my underwear more than I have my clothes. I feel like shouting and singing about it but I would probably look pretty damn silly. We took the kids to the "jumping party zone" today in hopes of wearing their little butts out, did not work as planned but we had a wonderful time. I love it when we are able to do things as a family. Okay, now I am just getting sentimental, must be time for me to get to bed....


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