Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Boys don't carry purses.... Or do they?

Monday night mom took the kids to chucke cheese. I was getting them ready to go and Ansley said she needed a purse to match her outfit for the tokens and tickets. I went off in search of a purse and Joey comes up to me with a little brown leather purse on his shoulder, ear to ear grin, saying "purse mine". Ansley pipes up with "Boys don't carry purses! Do they mom?". I told her no, that typically boys don't carry purses but some like to... Just how do you explain that to a toddler? Especially my son! I don't want him to be a purse totin' friend of dorothy, but I will love and respect him no matter what, but geez! Worrying about this crap this early? No wonder I am starting to get gray hair!


Blogger Diana said...

oh-my son is forever taking my purse and walking around the house with it. I have to stash it far away from his reach!
Thanks for visiting me, you may not think you're interesting, but I'll be back here!

Thursday, July 27, 2006 9:36:00 AM  

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