Sunday, June 18, 2006

I found my way home...

I have been migrating back and forth between my parents house and here the last couple of weeks so that is why I have not been posting. Did not want my last post making everyone think I am a completely negative person. Only partially.

My parents are traveling now and it is making me crazy. My dad is working and playing golf in a new city every week so I know he is having fun it just sucks for me. I have never really been away from my parents for very long. There was the 6 months I lived in North Carolina with my first husband. Needless to say the marriage lasted about as long as I lived there. So I am feeling kinda weird and abandoned. I know this is not the case and I just need to grow up. Plenty of people do not live near their parents. I just do not want to be one of them. Irrational I know. One day I will grow up.

My birthday is coming up and it is bothering me. I will be 29. Not terribly old but good god it is almost 30! I am 9 months older than mike and he teases me about this all the time but it really is starting to get to me. He looks young. I do not. Wrinkles are scaring me half to death, even more so than my abnormally large ass. I can lose the ass without surgery, can't lose the wrinkles that way.

Anyways, I am alive, negative as ever. But, fear not, I will be posting more soon!


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