Monday, October 09, 2006

Nude no more...

Okay, so I can't be naked around the kids, more specifically Joey any longer. Not that I was a stark raving nudist or anything, but I never had a problem with being naked around them. Mike and I have always taken the "your body is not a weird thing" approach with nudity and such. We tell the kids like it is. Or like we think it is. That the body is a natural thing and they should not be ashamed of it. I guess for girls this approach sinks in, for boys, not so much.

The other day the kids and I were taking a bath and Joey just reaches out and grabs my chest and says "BOOBIES!". I guess that is typical male behavior but I have to say, it did freak me out. Made me feel very icky. My baby is a baby no longer. He is turning into a boy. I guess this means he isn't gay.

*update: while watching old school the other night, Joey just happened to look at the screen and again, out with the "BOOBIES!".


Blogger Lucky Lum said...

I find myself grabbing my own and shouting "BOOBIES" every now and then too! :)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006 8:58:00 AM  
Blogger CroutonBoy said...

Nope...definitely not gay.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:31:00 AM  
Blogger Diana said...

OMG my son has started doing this! And I'm hardly naked around him- but only because he'e still asleep while I'm dressing for work. But he'll grab at them from outside my shirt and say "BOOBIES!" I get so embarrased when he does it out in public.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 1:02:00 PM  

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