Today feels weird. Mike went to work this morning and the kids are asleep and I am all alone. For the moment anyway. Mike has been home for the last week or so and I have gotten used to him being around. So now I feel a little funny without someone glaring at me for being on the laptop. Usually it is the other way around.
We made it through the holidays, undamaged, for the most part. The kids are all happy and still basking in the after Santa clause glow. Toys are overflowing from my livingroom because I have yet to go through the toyroom and make a rather large donation pile. Which, I will be doing this week by the way.... So if any of you know me and want to lay claim to some outgrown toys and clothes, tell me now.
I still do not know just what I am feeling yet about the whole graduation thing. It just doesn't seem real yet. I guess maybe when he switches jobs and moves me halfway across the US I will realize it then, you think? I do not know if it is the area we live in, cost of living is mighty low considering some of the other places I read about, or if we are just used to being poor, but houses elsewhere are astronomical! And we live in a good area in a nice neighborhood.
The realization that Ansley is 4 now, just kicked in. I have to start making school preparations. I am beyond scared. She is a very intelligent child so I know she is ready in that aspect, but am I ready to let her go for 8 hours a day? I am having chest pains at the thought. I found a private school that does half day pre-k and kindergarten. It comes highly recommended and seems to be more than I could have hoped for, but can we afford it? And would I be holding her back by not letting her attend public school? The reason we bought this house 7 years ago was for the school district, we knew eventually we would have kids and I am definitely not the "homeschool" type. So, what are your thoughts, and dammit, somebody respond. I know people read my blog, I do have the customary numerous trackers you know....